Explore the community input we've received so far.

Between its October launch and January 31st close, 1,829 people — 69% residents, 31% living outside city limits — completed the Plan Bentonville survey, providing some key baseline data to inform proposals being shared for the first time later this month.
Roughly a third are relative newcomers, having been a part of the Bentonville community 5 or fewer years. Another third have been here 6-15 years, and a final third are longer-term residents of 16 years or more.
The majority fall between the ages of 25 and 64, though all age groups are represented in the results.
Half are households with children, half without, though non-resident respondents skewed slightly more in the direction of having kids. And just over 50% of all respondents have one or more of their household members working from home.
On the Move
The results reflect considerable variety in how people get around town. For example, 45% walk or run sometimes, and 41% have a bicycle as one of their preferred modes. But there’s no denying the current primacy of automobile travel, with 97% of respondents using a car for at least some of their trips.

Preferences and Priorities
In regards to environmental preservation, there was considerable consensus that growth should be directed towards infill areas (33%) or a combination of infill and new areas (57%). Only 10% of respondents felt that new growth should be directed outward, mostly to new areas.
More diverse sentiments were expressed in regards to building a robust local economy. While 79% of respondents overall validated the growth of both existing and new business areas, 41% favor a focus on distributed small businesses while 38% prioritize larger business areas.

What's consistent across the board is the community's affection for quality of life infrastructure and initiatives. Asked about parks, trails, agricultural areas, downtown preservation, and arts and culture investments, a minimum of 75% of respondents for each rated them either very or somewhat important in creating a "strong sense of place."
Dig Deeper
For those with a deeper interest in what the project team is seeing, there's a whole lot more to review in the following download. Click below to learn more about the Bentonville community's circumstances, needs, and priorities.
Add Your Voice
Didn't get a chance to participate in the survey, or want to see where the process is headed? Join us beginning Saturday, February 24 for a week of input opportunities. We'll have a variety of pop-ups around town where you can share general thoughts on growth, as well as two open houses where proposals will be presented for community feedback.
View all input opportunities here.